Bruker AVIIIHD-600 (Georgia State)

600 MHz NMR spectrometer

Bruker AVIIIHD-600 (Georgia State)
Bruker AVIIIHD-600 (Georgia State)
Available Probes: 

5mm Inverse triple resonance (TXI) probe optimized for proton detection while decoupling 15N and 13C.

Z gradient; variable temperature from  -150 to +150 °C.

BCU-04/50 temperature stabilization accessory
Bruker Topspin 3.5pl4
This instrument is capable of running all 1D, 2D and 3D NMR experiments.
Consortium Member Fees*: 

Instrument, prime time (M-F) 9 AM – 9 PM:


Instrument, non-prime (all other times):


Manager assistance or training:


*These rates only apply to personnel from consortium member institutions (Emory, Georgia Tech and Georgia State). Enquire for the charge rates if you are not from a consortium member institution.

Location - Georgia State

Natural Science Center (NSC)
50 Decatur St.
Atlanta, GA 30303

Contact - Georgia State

Jimmy (Zhenming) Du
Phone: (404) 413-5538
Markus Germann
Phone:(404) 413-5561