Contacts and Locations

Directions to Georgia Tech NMR Center:
The Georgia Tech NMR center is located in the basement of the Molecular Science and Engineering (MoSE) Building, room G143.
  • If you are coming from Emory, you can use the Emory Georgia Tech shuttle to get back and forth.
  • If you are coming from Georgia State, you can take MARTA to the 10th street (Midtown) station and transfer to the Georgia Tech Trolley. Get off the trolley at the corner of the Ferst and Atlantic, just outside the Marcus Nanotechnology Building. From that stop it is short walk to the MoSE Building; see Georgia Tech campus map,
  • If you are driving to the Georgia Tech campus, you can park in visitor spaces at the North Campus parking deck. The entrance is on State Street; see

Location - Georgia Tech

Room G143
901 Atlantic Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

Contact - Georgia Tech

Leslie Gelbaum
Phone: (404) 894-4079
Johannes Leisen
Phone: (404) 894-9241
Directions to Emory University NMR Center:
The Emory NMR center is located in the Department of Chemistry, Atwood Hall, 1515 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322. 
Most of the NMR instruments are in room 211. However, the UNITY Plus 600 is located in room 142.
Additionally, the Avance Solid State 600 MHz NMR is located in room E125 of Emerson Hall, located at 1521 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332.

Location - Emory University

Atwood Chemistry Center - Room 107
1515 Dickey Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322

Contact - Emory University

Shaoxiong Wu
Director, NMR Center
Phone: (404) 727-6621
Directions to Georgia State University NMR Center:
The Georgia State NMR center is located in the Natural Science Center (NSC) in rooms NSC 134 and NSC 427. NSC is located on 50 Decatur Street SE.
The closest MARTA station is Five Points, about 700 feet away. Parking is available across NSC on Decatur Street.

Location - Georgia State

Natural Science Center (NSC)
50 Decatur St.
Atlanta, GA 30303

Contact - Georgia State

Jimmy (Zhenming) Du
Phone: (404) 413-5538
Markus Germann
Phone:(404) 413-5561